A Little About Me

I'm Kala.. Yes there's no Y in my name. Mom says it's because she didn't want me to have a hard time writing it in kindergarten.. Silly I know but that's Mom. I grew up in the small town of Nokomis as the youngest of 3 other siblings Shane, Michael and Mindy. The song American Honey relates most to my life... "She grew up on the side of the road, where the church bells ring and strong love grows, she grew up good, she grew up slow, like American Honey" I am going to be sharing my stories of the past present and what I hope to accomplish in my future. I am a very genuine girl and pray and hope my life in the future brings me happiness and joy and still be the genuine person I am... Life Is Short Lets Make The Best Of It!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January's Act of Kindness

Have you ever planned something and been so disappointed that your plans fall through and you just wish that they would turn out the way you've planned?

Ok so we all have... But.... Has this happened to you on your 21st birthday?
Most Likely NO, It didn't or wont.

I was keeping an eye on a friend of mines daughters Facebook page. You know, those Facebook friends you have that you don't exactly know? Well she was one of them.

I kept seeing her post about her 21st birthday and she was so excited she was going to get herself a party bus and invite all of her friends to help her celebrate. All was going great she had it all planned everyone was set to go until, her post the week before her bus.

"8 people have backed out of the party bus if I don't get at least 3 people for sure to come the dreams of a party bus will be gone forever" HAHA funny I know.. But, I thought to myself, "perfect time to send a stranger a birthday gift" so I sent her a message on Facebook of course and it started out as... This is insanely random and by the end you will think this girl is crazy.

I ended up getting her address and sending her a birthday card with some money in it towards her bus! =]
She had a fabulous time and earned her very first hangover! =]

Be Kind To One Another
Thanks for reading, and God bless!

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