July 23rd.. Friday.. I had a Kidney Infection and Urinary Tract Infection going on! But, it was the evening before my first 5K.. I have never been a runner or for that matter been into exercising until about March. I generally walk 3miles a day sometimes 3.5.. With Sundays off! Haha.. I said to myself "I want to do something different in my life" We all know I look up to my older sister Mindy and she told me about this 5K in Springfield (an hour north from me) where they were holding a 3rd annual race for a state trooper who had been killed in an accident in 2007 I believe. Now I didn't even know what a 5K was.. If people walked, if you HAD to sprint the whole way, or even how long it was in miles.. I never run! EVER! But I said "What the heck, why not try" So here I go up to Springfield the evening before on medicine and all.. I say to myself that "My Kidneys really hurt but I want to do this I'm going to do this!" I stay at my sisters where she tells me don't load up on carbs or lots of sugar the evening before.. As I sit and eat my grilled chicken breast steamed broccoli and noodles I said "So is what I am eating okay" haha.. Mindy looks at me and laughs knowing I have no idea what I am doing or getting myself into.. Thinking that this isn't going to be my thing and I wont like it! A good nights rest was also needed.. Well I slept on a futon that was so so SO uncomfortable!!! Up more than I slept that night I still did not care.. I had the mind set that "I'm doing it I don't care" I wake up.. My kidneys are KiLlInG me.. Still not giving up on what I said I was going to do.. That it was too close to give up now... 7:30 a.m. I'm up ready, got the Ipod good to go, and a breakfast bar in my tummy with some water! I started to feel really excited, yet nervous as to where I wanted to puke.. I'm not a runner, I will be last, Am I going to be able to finish, Maybe I'll just do the 1mile walk... NO I'm doing it... AS I get in the car Lissette (sister-in-law) Says "You can do it Kala" with a smile on her face.. "I know I'm Just nervous" I replied... We pull into the LLCC campus and I see all these TINY girls with TONED muscles.. Little tanks and just plain Fit!! Ugh.. I'm going to be last its going to take me like an hour and 1/2 to do this.. I'm going to look retarded... >> >> >> Fast Forward, we get our numbers 52 was on my Matt Cole shirt...(he too was taken away in a car accident) It was going to be the last one rolling in.. I go up to the starting line.. I hear a girl say "I ran it the other day in 45 minutes" I said to myself "that's my goal" I have chills down my back as the Honor Guard is holding the flag and the National Anthem is being played Then I say "I'm doing this for myself, to better myself, to be proud of my self.. But most of all I'm doing it for Brian and Matt! God, be with me and give me the will and strength to finish!" OFF WE GO!!! I am playing my music and running.. I get to the one mile mark I am still running.. How is this even possible.. All the thoughts running through my head... I picked out a runner and said "She is my goal I'm going to beat her" I start to slow down feeling like I am going to puke.. Walking is okay but keep the pace lets power walk.. I power walked for it seemed like 20 seconds and then ran for what FeLt forever.. Realistically it was most likely a minute and 1/2.. I get to the 1/2 way.. All at once I feel very emotional All these people are running for the cause of a Trooper who's life was cut short.. AS I type this I have goosebumps on my legs and chills.. It really touched me as I thought about all these people and what they were here for! To show support to this family who has had a tough time.. On my Ipod came an artist called Jeremy Camp a christian rock artist.. A song name that I cant recall but was talking about strength and courage hallelujah I replayed this song 3 different times as I thought about Brian and Matt and how I didn't know Brian but Matt was up there telling him how much I don't run and how he would be proud.. A tear ran down my face as I looked up and thanked God for the strength he given me >> >> Almost to the finish line the best feeling ever my sister Mindy came to finish the race with me and how she had been done a good 20 minutes before me! She said how are you and all I said was I don't even know.. I see the finish line.. 43 43 was on the clock.. I said Okay min I'm beating my goal.. I start to hear everyone cheer and applaud me as I ran through the finish line.. 44.04 was on the clock.. I beat my goal! I finished! I felt great! and I WASN'T LAST! I beat the girl I said I would beat! and I'm not a runner!!! It's the eye of the tiger
It`s the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks his prey in the night And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger!! I had a thrill of the race and I rose to my own challenge I picked my prey to beat and I survived!!! You can do anything you set your mind to!! Have faith in yourself and believe that YOU CAN DO IT!! Thanks for reading and God Bless! *Kala~
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