We're back in August of this year…
Slacking once again! And again apologize for grammatical errors. :-)
What is more exciting than going to a wedding?
Being in one!
I was in my first! I have to say it was fun, nerve-wracking, enjoyable, emotional, tearful and beautiful!
I was in it as a bridesmaid and singer. SINGER-- NERVE-WRACKING!
I am definitely not a perfect singer nor am I close to it but when one of my child hood friends asked me to sing in the biggest day of her life I had no option other than "YES" I will do it.
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, in fact I really liked it! After the opening note I was confident in knowing I could do it and thats what I kept doing! Did I mention I was on antibiotics for Strep Throat? Bleh! But hey, I pulled through it and was confident in the rest of the song.
Lets back up….. When you grow up with someone who knows everything about you. Your flaws your perks your dark times and your light times. That person holds a close spot in your heart and you will do anything for them in their special day, thats just a given!
Sarah and I grew up together from age 9 and up! We were inseparable during the summers before our 16th birthdays and even after she even let me be the 3rd wheel in her first serious relationship. She was as sporty type of gal as I was more of a fan on the side lines. I didn't miss to many of her games tho! Like a soul sister they call them. Sarah was mine! High school passed and college began we still managed to remain VERY close! Sarah was the book smart and I was the common sense smart. She often tended to say some very funny yet silly things but she was always the one I went to for Math! This is why she is a Physical Therapist now! Amazing right?
When Sarah met her fella, she was an all new Sarah. Happy, upbeat, positive and definitely glowing. It was no surprise that they would get married but I remember before he asked the question I was giving Sarah a manicure the conversation of "when do you think it will happen" got brought up! Of course we were once again like Jr High girls very excited and giddy during the conversation there was no doubt in Sarah's mind that he would ask. AND SOON!
Getting the call of the announcement for me was SO exciting! I couldn't have been more excited than her but I sure felt like it! I was screaming and crying all in the same 10 minute phone call!
This meant a wedding!
Fast Forward!
The day of the wedding! As a bridesmaid your duty is to make sure the bride is stress free and has everything under control. You make sure her eyes look sparkly, her dress fit and look perfect, her hair lay perfectly in place and she takes deep breaths before she sees her groom!
As the vows were said and songs were sung my best friend grew by one~
Her groom is welcomed into my life and friendship circle and I could not be more happy for the two of them!
Congratulations to you both! Love you
Life In A Small Town Can Be: Boring, Exciting, Drama Filled, and Wonderful All In The Same Day... I Am Only One Person With Dreams And Goals To Share! This Is Me And My Stories To Tell! Enjoy!
A Little About Me
- Kala
- I'm Kala.. Yes there's no Y in my name. Mom says it's because she didn't want me to have a hard time writing it in kindergarten.. Silly I know but that's Mom. I grew up in the small town of Nokomis as the youngest of 3 other siblings Shane, Michael and Mindy. The song American Honey relates most to my life... "She grew up on the side of the road, where the church bells ring and strong love grows, she grew up good, she grew up slow, like American Honey" I am going to be sharing my stories of the past present and what I hope to accomplish in my future. I am a very genuine girl and pray and hope my life in the future brings me happiness and joy and still be the genuine person I am... Life Is Short Lets Make The Best Of It!!!
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